“A government that is strong and stable” Theresa May
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2017 General Elections
On 18 April, May announced that she would call a parliamentary vote to hold an early general election on 8 June, saying that it was the “only way to guarantee certainty and security for years ahead.”May had previously indicated on multiple occasions she had no plans for an early general election.
The Shining
While searching for Jack, Wendy discovers he has been typing pages of a repetitive manuscript: “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. She begs Jack to leave the hotel with Danny, but he threatens her before she knocks him unconscious with a baseball bat. She drags him into the kitchen and locks him in the pantry, but she and Danny are both trapped at the hotel: Jack has disabled the hotel’s two-way radio and snowcat. Later, Jack converses through the pantry door with Grady, who unlocks the door.
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