Don’t design your album cover

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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Find an amazing Graphic Artist instead

Many legendary album artworks gained bands recognition all through the work of, at the time, relatively unknown Graphic Artists. These types of beautiful and punchy artworks entice audiences into listening to the music, and to look more into the artist behind the cover. For this reason, Graphic Artists relish the opportunity to gain exposure by getting involved with musical projects.

Whilst not all Graphic Artists will do this for free, there are many out there who will take it as an alternative method to promote their work.

#1 Add a new dimension to your music

Album artwork adds a new artistic dimension to your music whilst simultaneously bringing the art to life. Working with different artists will stretch your perceptions of visual art and provide inspiration to you. This helps both the band and the artist to bounce off of each other’s ideas, and create in different ways than they usually would.

#2 Expand your social engagement

The synergy created through this is hugely beneficial. Bands and Graphic Artists will both promote their works through hashtags and handles,  increasing your reach drastically across a number of social media platforms.

#3 Reach for new audiences

Meanwhile, this collaborative relationship can internationalise a bands output, reaching a wider audience in places previously inaccessible and building connections around the globe.

And this is how we did it

As you know we are always the first to implement all the ideas and strategies we talk about.

For our first Hardcore Punk compilation on Soundcloud (a strategy we will touch more on in later articles) Sam Goodwin compiled 10 tracks from some of our favourite labels, such as Holy Roar, and new artists that we wanted to connect and work with.

We asked LA based Graphic Artist Conrado Salinas to give us one of his best works. His characters, set within a desolate underbelly of society, draw a good parallelism with the chaos of Hardcore Punk.

This formed a working relationship between us and Conrado, allowing us to reach the fans of his work in the US.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Where to find great artists

You might have some talented friend ready to help. If you don’t or are looking for something particular just search for tags like illustrator, art and graphic on Instagram and get flooded. If you want a better selection then go straight for these:


Society 6

Creative Bloq


Written by Michael Thomas

Cover photo by D. B. Gaston