Aloha Dead’s trilogy of darkness

By John Clay

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‘We lived among the people… I think you say, convenience store? We lived above it. I mean it like it is like it sounds.’ – Mike (through Phillip Michael Gerard).

Dead Lake

The mythology of Twin Peaks provides fertile produce for many an artist to uproot and replant in their own dreamscape. This live shoot was filmed as though the Twin Peaks’ convenience store and its inhabitants were real people. A folk in need of cabaret … a soulful tune before their trip towards the edge of a dark lake. 


You want to see who or what is singing the song, and the video makes you wait. When you finally see the singer, you feel the chill of the lyrics even more. You feel it so much that you almost forget Mr Aloha is in that bag. This is the shit. A lovely assistant Kendra was hiding out of shot manipulating the lights in the video. There was so much trust in the room which really does help when you’re waving a camera in someone’s face. 

Aloha Dead

Often it’s the vocal phrasing which dictates the camera moves. Still, it’s Mr Aloha’s slide guitar which informs the camera just as often. I couldn’t help but refer to specific ideas presented in Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers, particularly the animated moments. The red sheen’s juxtaposition with the scattered doll pictures says something rather chilling. 

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Cover photo by gh0stdot

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