Sean Douglas Engineer/producer/musician
Current activity:
Scott Mathews forthcoming album.
WIRE – Nocturnal Koreans
Femi Temowo (currently mixing the new album)
Previous work:
WIRE – Last 4 albums
Sumer – “The Animal You Are” Album
Laura Mvula – Man from Uncle Soundtrack
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What’s the first song you learned to play or sing?
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
If you could play in any band, who would you play for and what role would you have?
A good one that has its shit together, like the Beatles… or Slayer! I’ll play whatever they’ll have me on.
You’re an astronaut on your way to colonise a new planet. What three items would you bring to showcase our civilisation?
A piano, an MPC and a Mic
Which decade do you feel has been the most influential in terms of music and arts?
For me it was the 90’s but i would say that spawned from the 70’s.
Beatles or Stones?
What’s your worst fashion crime?
My hair
What would you most love to change about yourself?
My pants
The house is on fire. What object do you take with you on your way out?
My 1971 Precision
What would you never let anyone see you do?
You’re elected President of the World for a day. What do you do first?
Hit the global reset button
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