Download John Clay’s novel Spiderfingers: The Russian Doll Stories

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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For six years, Spiderfingers the chaos god has taken refuge from his duties by posing as a mental health patient in Surrey. He’s begun to hear the voice of Vicky, an ex side-kick pleading for help. His time pretending to be mad may indeed be over. A pity his doctors don’t share this point of view.

“John Clay’s writing is like Chuck Palahniuk’s writing if Palahniuk was black and read Deleuze and Guattari. Consider yourself warned.” Alexzander Mazey, Author of Living in Disneyland.

A herculean tale which spans 2010 through till 2019, Spiderfingers: The Russian Doll Stories is an absurdist exploration on the clash between the expectations of the self and those of the society one finds themselves in. Or not.

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Cover photo by Keira-Anee