10 questions we ask everyone: Johnny Rock

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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Johnny Rock (MUTANT BiRD) Multi-Instrumentalist/Producer/Fine Artist/Comedy Writer

Current Activity:
Sugar Voodoo EP

Previous work:

What’s the first song you learned to play or sing?
Haha, It was a song called “21st century Anarchy”….Can’t believe I remember that.

If you could play in any band, who would you play for and what role would you have?
I would play in The Hives and be the drummer.

You’re an astronaut on your way to colonise a new planet. What three items would you bring to showcase our civilisation?
Pictures of humans doing “Duck Face” to prevent the same mistake in the future, Motown’s greatest hits and maybe a cheeseburger.

Which decade do you feel has been the most influential in terms of music and arts?
Each has it’s own merit but the 60’s were pretty far out.

Beatles or Stones?

What’s your worst fashion crime?
I’m constantly breaking those laws.

What would you most love to change about yourself?
Wish I didn’t think so often.

The house is on fire. What object do you take with you on your way out?
The insurance papers.

What would you never let anyone see you do?
I would never let anyone see my answer to “What I would never let anyone see me do”.

You’re elected President of the World for a day. What do you do first?


Find out more about Johnny Rock:



Cover photo by Pauline Labadie