Yur Mum and the unsustainability of capitalism

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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Hello all, and cheers for giving me this opportunity to ask you questions as to your particular hate of capitalism via your lyrics.

Yur Mum: We always want what we can’t have, and when we get it, we immediately want something else. Everything is disposable… Capitalism is definitely not sustainable, but its ugliest side is when we realise life has no value whatsoever. It’s not about being socialist or capitalist either, it’s about making conscious decisions. Understanding where the products you buy come from, who builds them and under what circumstances. Most people shop for brands they like but don’t realise how many lives are being affected. For me personally, these lyrics are calling out to certain behaviours, sort of an “Oi”, do you really need whatever you’re queuing for or is it just because it’s Black Friday? Or because it’s from a particular brand? Are you on the dole because you can’t find any opportunities or because you just can’t find the ones you want? Is it because you think you’re entitled to something greater? How much is enough to make you happy?

Are you able to avoid brands which use sweatshops or circumnavigate your ideals, or does capitalism make this venture impossible?

Yur Mum: We don’t think it’s impossible, but it’s hard. We try to shop consciously as much as possible. Guess for most people, it’s challenging to do that because consumerism triggers irrational decisions.

And are these irrational decisions that you seem to shine a light on in your lyrics. The ‘useless crap’ that you never needed to buy in the first place is simple yet arguably one of the best lines in the song. It’s quite a relief to read lyrics on this subject that position the band under the spotlight in an unflattering light. Makes you seem less preachy and easy to identify with. Do you write as a band or separately?

Yur Mum: Thanks. We’re definitely not preachy about anything. We’re human and make mistakes all the time. Our approach to songwriting differs from song to song. We let it flow and embrace what’s on our way.

Mind if we reprint the lyrics for the song? I know some bands can be funny about that kind of thing, but it would be a good idea for people to refer to them during all this. By the way, any bands you’d like to mention that share your ethos? How do you feel about Idles? They have a similar message to you in my opinion.

Yur Mum: Please feel free to do so. We were actually going to mention Idles, but also Pollypickpocketz and The Blunders have the same feel.


Walking past the new Versaces / Clean front doors and royal asses / Sloan straight line of catwalk masses / Showing off to broken classes / It’s time to sweatshop / On a Black Friday / Fake Satisfaction / Easy access to consume / Has made me buy a lot of useless crap / I never needed first place / Now I wanna an upgrade / Calling, calling! The dole dependents / That deep inside do not depend on nothing / Calling, calling! / This generation / That’s so selfish they get their heads up their asses

Back to Pollypickpocketz! They were on our compilation tape – bumped into Myura at the debut Real(s) gig last night actually. Do you think you’ll curate your own shows one day with bands of your choice? Perhaps a warehouse party?

Yur Mum: We would love to, especially if it was a warehouse party!

You should talk to a producer mate of mine called Margo Broom. She put on a show with Amyl and The Sniffers the other day with Meggie Brown. Good post-punk bands that articulate anti-consumerist sentiment. One more questions before I go, any special tricks up your sleeve for your live shows? Projections? Poetry? Random actors in the audience? People are getting pretty creative out there these days!

Yur Mum: Cheers for the contacts. Well… you’ll have to come to find out!

No! Give us a clue, or I’m calling it right here, right now: All they’ll do is play their instruments and occasionally shout over the mic ‘You alright?’ ‘Having a good time?’ ‘I can’t hear you!’ C’ mon, what will you do live? I suggest smashing a mobile phone with a guitar. Update that stage practice with a 21st-century critique!

Yur Mum: Nice touch! Life is already full of routines. We don’t really prepare anything, we do as we feel. We have very raw energy and let the night guide our actions! Expect sweat, lots of it.

Sold. Thank you for the words. Keep on keeping on.

Yur Mum: We’ll do! This was a very refreshing interview. Keep the good work.

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Cover photo by Jessica Lotti