Crafting authentic vibes in the digital age

By Maria Winter

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In an era dominated by digital noise and fleeting trends, Emanuel Lodea stands out as a beacon of authenticity, weaving an amalgamation of sound that transcends genre boundaries and resonates with raw emotion. Otherwise known as YFGP (Your Favourite Ghost Producer) online, this sound effects maestro invites listeners on a sonic journey that is as unpredictable as it is mesmerising. Emanuel offers a diverse palette ranging from Boom Bap to Lo-Fi to underground hardcore beats.

His Romanian background has significantly influenced his creative approach, as he constantly searches for Romanian artists to either sample or get inspiration from. Emanuel’s most recent EP release ‘Flowers’ incorporates these unique sounds alongside mellow, lo-fi jazzy boom bap beats. It’s the perfect balance to showcase his diverse cultural inspirations.

Delving further into his creative process, Emanuel reveals the secret behind his eclectic soundscapes – an unwavering commitment to expressing his innermost emotions through music. “I usually express what I feel the day I make the beat, and that reflects the style,” he shares. “If I’m chill, I go for Lo-Fi; if I’m angry, hardcore beats. It helps me express and let out anger, or share happiness, and so on!”

But it’s not just the emotional depth of Emanuel’s music that sets him apart; it’s also his dedication to capturing the vintage vibe of old-school sounds and hardware textures. “Lately, I got my hands on some hardware equipment, and the limitations of it help me boost the creative process and find solutions out of the box!” he explains. “Sampling directly from vinyl gives it a different texture… All about that style!”

His mastery of both hardware and software platforms like Ableton and the SP 404 MK2 allows Emanuel to seamlessly blend analog warmth with digital precision in his productions. “Creating on hardware is easy for me, and I love the process of NOT visualizing everything like I do in Ableton,” he reveals. “Then, when it’s time to get technical, make the structure, and organize the arrangements, having a clear and big picture helps me.”

In addition to his prolific output as a producer, Emanuel is equally adept at engaging with his audience in real-time through platforms like Twitch, where he hosts live beat-making sessions. “I feel like I am making music WITH them directly, and we all contribute to that piece.” he enthuses. “Plus, lots of beat makers get to see my creative process, learn my technique, and ask questions. Basically, a live free tutorial session for them…”

As he continues to explore new frontiers in music production, Emanuel is also embracing the transformative potential of Web3 and blockchain technology. “I believe Web3 is the next step for creators because we cut the middle man and we keep the rewards we truly deserve.” he declares. “No need to pay other platforms to host our music, plus the community has the chance to really own a piece of content.”

With his Romanian background serving as a constant wellspring of inspiration, Emanuel is on a mission to empower aspiring producers to carve out their own paths in the industry. “What helped me the most was to finish projects, don’t get too attached to the creation, and stay consistent,” he advises. “Switching the mindset to a creator’s one, not just a beatmaker or a music producer, helped me expand and grow.”

As Emanuel continues to work on soul-stirring beats and melodies, each track a testament to his unwavering passion for music, one thing is clear – his journey is just beginning. With every beat tape, every live session, and every new endeavour, Emanuel is leaving an indelible mark on the music world, one authentic vibe at a time.

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Cover photo by Ostafi Adina