Why the Gods hate Colossus

By Neshy Denton

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“Really great guys, your vibe has so much sultry swing to it that the sheer volume of your live performances can sometimes cover-up. It was just what I needed to crash through this hangover” – this sort of feedback for a band’s debut EP would make me wonder instantly. I need to listen to this.

They want us to know it’s going to explode. And better get back if we’re not ready. You can’t anticipate something untouchable but even though Colossus may be talking about something else, I consider it only a matter of time until they really do explode. I’ve taken in a handful of their grungy zest – I’m already tempted for another helping. 

It seems like the London-based band has resurrected from life’s anomalies to bring back what disguises itself as a strong bond between two old friends, as well as the awakening of a dormant musical craving. John and Rob rekindle after 10 years to pick up where they left off with the dropping of a debut EP (they call it EP although it does have 7 tracks, but to each their own).  

Whether it states fact or is just the emergence of the band’s tongue-in-cheek tendencies, the EP lies under the name of “The Gods Hate Colossus”. It is the showcasing of seven unburied tracks from their precedent selves. Taking a vulnerable revelation of who they were back in 2009 and re-approaching these sensibilities from a different place throughout their journey. Mirroring the Gods’ hostility towards the band’s persona, here they mythologise themselves in order to quieten down their own slip-ups and displace the blame. Long story short – to be able to just say “shit happens”, recompose themselves, and move on. 

A band with two leaders and rotating musicians. They protrude pure energy through their music. Having just birthed their first EP, they assure us that there is more yet to come. Rumour has it there is a big amount of music tucked away under their sleeves. They’ve written many songs in many different styles but have spent the past few years reflecting on what they really want to achieve via this process. Trusting their instincts to build a community through their music, they welcome everyone to form part of the same passion. Because their success relies on breathing, getting up in the morning, and making music; but mostly, sharing their most valuable creations with a burning devotion at their live shows. Live shows that they personalise individually to represent a new version of themselves each time. All the while inviting others to do so too. 

I wonder how many people learn to break through the show business playoffs. Sometimes it feels like the music industry camouflages as a black hole. Bringing a lot of aspiring musicians to a big moral halt. Forgetting why they joined this corner of the world in the first place. This hole has become a crowd of naive and forgotten souls trying to climb out of a failing pit altogether. 

Colossus are different. They aren’t concerned about reaching specific levels. Or finding their place within a now redundant genre definition. This EP may carry Grunge and their next live show, Punk Blues. Colossus might also be considered Transgressive, or Progressive Rock. But they accept no boundaries. They’ve left behind old illusions of success and now rely on following their own philosophy towards having a laugh. To enjoy the celebration of coming together and cohesively creating a bond between all those who thrive off the same energy while simultaneously making their own cultural impact. 

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Cover photo by Andras Paul