We stand for the conservation of Punk

By Kerri Lacey

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“I like the fact our music gets better the louder it’s played.” Snash might be yet to play outside of their hometown of Glasgow, but there are worse scenes to be part of. As bassist McGhee puts it: “Any band we have played with from outside of Scotland always tell us it’s their favourite place to play, based on the passion for music and lack of self-preservation of the crowds attending local shows. We’ve spent a lot of time being in amongst the crowds at shows in Glasgow and involvement is something that should be encouraged. We don’t just want to play shows, we want to have a party with the people that turn up.”

Snash encapsulate what modern punk stands for with raucous vocals, ear-splitting distortion and riffs laced with irrefutable attitude. Punk is a component they perceive as vital to their music, as drummer Andy expresses: “We stand for the conservation of punk and aggressive music. We want to keep throwing it in people’s faces.” Like many other unsigned bands, they are optimistic about the resurgence of punk in mainstream culture: “It would be great to see bands of that genre pushing into mainstream media and getting noticed.”

When it comes to writing tracks, the lads take the stance of ‘write what you know’ and vocalist Connan feels the flow goes in the direction of despair and tragedy: “We’ve dabbled in upbeat melodies and lyrics, but it always falls on its arse. So, relationships, drug & alcohol misuse and death always seem to be a common theme.” Another social issue which they identify has become a focal point in a few of their songs is religion. Connan explains; “Growing up being dragged to mass every Sunday probably is a factor in why it’s such an annoyance. It always seems to be a catalyst for hatred. Just be a half-decent person and you’ll be fine!”

After an exciting end to 2018 playing two standout gigs alongside Baby Strange, Voodoos, Rascalton, Strange Bones and Calva Louise, 2019 will see Snash expand their horizons beyond Scotland, although Connan recognises that this will be easier said than done: “It might be more of a challenge when we go south of the border to try and break some ground there. We’re set to be supporting Rascalton and Strange Bones again on January 31st in Edinburgh and right now that’s our ideal pick. They’re two huge bands and both play incredible live sets. It’s amazing to be able to share the stage with them.”

According to Connan, that’s just the start of their plans for the year, although the details are left intriguingly sparse: “We’re going to be releasing some new music very soon. We’ll be lining up a gig for that and preparing to go on the road. Between that and recording, you’ll hear a lot more from us this year!”

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