We are staring into the abyssal futures of late capitalism

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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65daysofstatic’s new album ‘replicr, 2019’ is carved from the wreckage. Forty-two minutes of dread. A record that stares head-on into the abyssal futures of late capitalism and refuses to blink. A melancholic, tireless soundtrack of acceleration. It wastes no time because there is no time left to lose.

Having ‘2019’ in the album title is part of the message, as Rob Jones explains:

“This was supposed to be the future, but that future got cancelled. History is moving, but it’s got nowhere to go. It’s piling up all around us. That’s what this record is about. This atemporality is an illusion, it’s the cultural logic of late capitalism, consuming everything faster and faster, each artefact a more diluted replica of the last. Even the idea that ‘pop will eat itself’ is eating itself. We need to find a way out.”

replicr, 2019 is out September 27 on Superball Music.

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