We are not lizards

By Matt Gaffen

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Who killed Nancy Johnson? wear their political compass clearly on their sleeve. In fact, they’re probably not content enough with that as their earnest noise-punk speaks up where lyrics can’t.

Their songs are a visceral gut-punch, aimed squarely at the increasing trend of doublespeak we’re experiencing. Or at least that’s the impression one gets from a listen to their first full-length album.

1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual

This phrase has, distressingly, become somewhat of a tired cliche in the year 2020. However, I think the lyrical allusions of this record skirt around these issues by focussing more on the many ways truth has replicated fiction, rather than the parallels between the two.

A story deftly told

The prose on the album provides a clear backbone for everything to build from. Flipping comfortably between loose ranting and structured rhyming schemes, Who Killed Nancy Johnson? are clearly comfortable with waxing poetic. This brings a deftness of tone to the whole, something that clearly elevates the listening experience.

If 2020 has hit you badly (and I don’t think that would be particularly unusual), then I See Six might provide you with some needed catharsis.

Especially if you want to listen to a song that repeatedly tells Boris Johnson to shut up.

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