The geography of peace

By Dylan Robinson

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Group BraCil’s founding father Morriarchi has christened the new year with his latest project ‘Geography Of Peace’. 

This 14-track saga details the artist’s feelings around self-love, entrapment and our thirst for nature during these trying times. It was started a couple of years back, but the lockdowns gave Morri a chance to finish it off ready for our ears. 

Although predominantly composed of loops and synths, we are also treated to some verses from emcees Verbz, Sadhu Gold and fellow Leeds resident Jack Danz, as well as some additional keys by the very talented Jack Stephenson Oliver of Vels Trio. 

The release includes ‘Wander’ a single dropped last year and continues in the same wholesome manner. 

‘Geography Of Peace’ is out now on Group BraCil’s Bandcamp, with cassettes available to buy.

Stay in touch with Morriarchi:





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