Survival in Nightmare Hall

By Chris Sparham

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“We call this place Nightmare Hall,” says Lost Film Foundation frontman Matt Prichard as he pats the ash of a cigarette into an idle Budweiser can, “because when we first moved in, we put the bed in the middle. For the first seven days, we had the most like, horrific, vivid dreams – all night, every night. So that’s why we moved the bed over there, and as soon as we moved the bed over there, it stopped.” He points to his bed in the corner, which is concealed by a set of colourful DIY drapes. When asked what kind of dreams, he responds with an idiosyncratic “Fuck knows!” before continuing: “You know when you’re waking up three, four times a night and you’ve thrown the covers everywhere, you’re sweating. All sorts, crazy dreams.”

The “place” he refers to as Nightmare Hall is a vacant office block in London’s Brick Lane where he lives with Willow Vincent, the band’s synth player. They aren’t squatters but free-spirited creative types taking advantage of the Guardian Scheme, a project which offers people the chance to fill empty properties for a third of the national average price. He goes on to compare the property to the supposed area underneath Area 51, where it is claimed the US government allows aliens to perform experiments on humans and animals in exchange for cutting edge technology. It is a fitting analogy given that ‘dreamscape manipulation’ is one of their favourite means of testing, in addition to ‘crossbreeding’ and ‘mind control programming’.

Having overcome their Nightmare on Elm Street ordeal, the future priority for LFF is simple – survival. Their ambition is getting to the next week and it is through nominal art and music sales that they are able to stay afloat. You will find them promoting their work at the Off The Cuff bar in Herne Hill, where they also run the ‘Pretty Ugly’ event which showcases some of the capital’s best underground music. Their new vinyl album, recorded in their makeshift studio at Nightmare Hall, is due to be released in September on the Vacilando 68 label.


Find out more about Lost Film Foundation:



