Inside Margo’s Living Room with Boyfromthecrowd, Pulaski and Shattercones

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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With a killer chorus and some sweeping visuals to match, the band have created video content that ought to get yet more crowds to fill their live events.

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Hermitage Works presents the punchy, well-played grunge of Twin Peaks aficionados Pulaski! 9.45 is a reference to David Lynch’s Inland Empire. The lighting in this video bears more than a passing homage to a scene in series one of Twin Peaks. Can you guess which one?

Follow Pulaski




Members from Bridport Dagger have put together a group whose sound and visual sensibility suits Margo’s Living Room so much that the sessions subsequently were influenced quite a bit. Have a love of seedy violin-infused Rock and Roll? Good. Click the link now and don’t forget to follow the band on Facebook.

Follow Shattercones



In a band who wants to record at Hermitage Works? Drop Margo a line here:

Hermitage Works Studios


Subscribe to Clark Kent’s Rock And Roll Revue for more video releases throughout the year:





Cover photo: Boyfromthecrowd