Lumer to launch new single at Permanent Creeps Club

By Chris Sparham

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Hull quartet Lumer are marking the release of their new single, Burn / Bleed, with a performance at The Old Blue Last in Shoreditch on 3rd of March.

The gig is part the Permanent Creeps Club Night, which also includes performances from Human Pet, Cannibal Animal and Luxury Apartments.

In addition to holding regular club nights across London, Permanent Creeps offer artist management and run their own record label, with Human Pet being one of the bands on their roster.



If you fancy seeing the Permanent Creeps Club Night for yourself, entry is free, and doors open at 8:30pm. Following the show, the Permanent Creeps DJs will keep the party going after the show until Late.

You can grab your free tickets for the show via Dice.


Stay in touch with Permanent Creeps here:






Cover photo by James Hammick