looms. in his uniquely mysterious manner has been hand-delivering handwritten letters around the globe as far as Berlin, LA and The Gambia, to alert listeners of his upcoming drop ‘Saints Are Hard To Live With’ on Lo&Behold Records.
Alongside this, he has been selling letters as physical releases to fans and posting a few of the singles on his YouTube.
We tend to associate looms. with cryptic bars that leave us pondering for a minute (or more), but with his next release he is opening up in a way few have seen or heard before. The first single ‘The Wind & The Bowler Hat’ really sets the stall out; family problems all too common in the UK voiced through a ciggie-ridden delivery reveal raw truths in a very vulnerable way.
‘Sheep’ is perhaps on the brighter end of looms.’ melancholic spectrum with dylantheinfamous taking the reins for this one, making up one of the three producers selected for this project- YUNGMORPHRUS and Argov complete the team. This is perhaps the most repeatable of the tracks out now and follows a more structured form of rap which looms. often chucks out the window like one of his many blems.
The most recent ‘L.A. Decays’ is a lo-fi affair that allows looms.’ harsh realisations to carry through. Some real quotables in all three of the tracks and the project as a whole, something about shit coffee and London’s art scene will tickle a few, but you deserve to discover these in your own time.
You can learn about living with a saint on looms.’ YouTube channel or cop the project on his website. For now, I’ll be waiting like an ember in a chair- one of the many quotables.
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