Inside Roadkill Vol.2 with Table Scraps

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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Roadkill compilations are a cultural snapshot of London’s alternative live scene. When the first volume was released in 2016 Public Pressure wasn’t born yet. With Volume 2 we have a chance to get up close and personal with Roadkill Svengali Josh Cooper and all the bands involved, starting from one of our favourites.



How does it feel to see Table Scraps on a Roadkill compilation?

Josh was one of the first few in London to really pay any attention to us and there was no way we could turn down the chance to be amongst so many excellent friends and musical colleagues on the Roadkill compilation. The variety and quality of the tape is a real testament to how quickly things have snowballed for the guys and we’re very happy to have been a tiny part of it!

What bands on the tape are you most excited about?

I think we’ve played with about 7 of the bands on the compilation and are fans of basically everyone on it – We recently had the privilege of being supported by Melt Dunes and they were jaw-droppingly good.

What else is going on with Table Scraps at the moment?

We’re just about to record our third LP and are fine-tuning for festival dates and a big fuck off Euro tour with stoner legends Monster Magnet. Living the dream!


Don’t miss Roadkill Vol.2 launch:

05 MAY / Roadkill Records Vol.2 Cassette Launch @ The Shacklewell Arms


Stay in touch with Table Scraps:






Stay in touch with Roadkill Records:







Cover photo by Meg Lavender