How Matt Leppier made DIY music culture his antidepressant

By Dylan Robinson

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Starting out as a website in 2017, Greg Stanley, Matt ‘Brickcellphone’ Leppier and friends had a dream. A place you could go to get all the latest and greatest in hip-hop and jazz subculture. Off Licence Magazine was born.

Three years on, their site attracts tens of thousands of people. Matt is running the renowned Offie Mag Radio show under the alias ‘Brickcellphone’; they have sold-out print issues under their belt, launch parties in the archives and Greg has, amongst other things, a moustache.

BIMM filmmaker Jay Bartlett of Brighton thought he’d offer exposure to the people who are used to doing the exposing. And so spent some time with the man behind the decks at all your favourite Brighton shindigs’. Matt talks about the positive influence music has had on his life while giving us an insight into the scene he very much feels a part of now.

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