Gen Z unfiltered

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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The definition of real in youth culture is in constant evolution, and the pandemic has accelerated that process dramatically. We are all trying to interpret the moment and intercept changes through social media, the perpetual movie of our life.

If we had to define a voice embodying that cultural change, it would be someone like Weez. She walks that narrow line between naivety and perceptiveness, with no interest in separating herself from her act. Even her videos drop in and out of reality. ‘Fire in the Chipshop’s starts as a performance and ends with a 20% discount advert for the Lighthouse Fish Bar.

Weez’s debut EP talks about politics, misogyny and the never-ending internal crisis of being biracial. Nothing apparently new in rhythm and poetry, but there are no doubts that Weez is talking directly to you, telling you who she is and what she thinks, unfiltered.

Stay in touch with Weez:






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