Worshipping the Cult of the Damned

By Dylan Robinson

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Blah Records’ Cult of the Damned have surprised us all with a double drop of singles ‘Gung Foo’ and ‘Worship’ to round off the year with. 

Fully flexing the rosters lyrical muscles, we see Cult staples Tony Broke, Salar and King Grubb pass round the mic to newer members Sniff, Stinkin Slumrock and perhaps most notably Clbrks across two hook-free tracks of gritty shelling. 

The double drop was premiered on Blah’s Youtube with visuals from Loudhouse’s Honey JD. Between Black Josh getting inked up, Grubb having spliffs lit for him and Lee spilling his JD, the Cult set fire to their caravan village with their distinctively vast range of vernaculars – metaphorically of course.

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