Vulgarians announce release of second EP

By Mark Burrow

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Hull-based Vulgarians have announced the arrival and official release of their second EP, Almost-Instinct, Almost-True. Vulgarians offer special thanks to MJ at Suburban Home, Tom Woodhead at Hippocratic, Tom Churchill at Partisan, Francis Davies, and most of all to their long suffering manager, Neal ‘Deano’ Ritson.

Physicals will be available to buy on their headline tour which kicks off at Headrow House, Leeds on 10 May along with some sweet A-I,AT tour tees.

As Vulgarians say: “Hit it!”


See Vulgarians live:

10/05/17 – Headrow House, Leeds
11/05/17 – Soup Kitchen, Manchester
12/05/17 – Picture House, Sheffield
13/05/17 – The Priory, Glasgow
16/05/17 – Full Moon Club, Cardiff
22/05/17 – Crofter’s Rights, Bristol
23/05/17 – Old Blue Last, London
26/05/17 – Polar Bear, Hull
27/05/17 – Rock City Basement, Nottingham


Find out more about Vulgarians:




Cover photo by Keira Cullinane