New Black Doldrums EP is out

By Emma Millward

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Power duo Black Doldrums is back with new EP She Divine. The title refers to the Aldous Huxley masterpiece The Doors of Perception, which explored how all cultures search for divinity, even if they reach different outcomes. Singer-guitarist Kevin Gibbard found parallels between this idea of spiritual guidance and his own relationships: “Angels are among us but they’re your everyday heroes, your best mate or the backbone of your band.”

Another influence was the 1920s’ singer and dancer Tiger Woman, who became a member of a criminal gang in Paris and ended up trying to murder occultist Aleister Crowley. As always, it seems Black Doldrums are going their own way, with fascinating results.

Buy Black Doldrums – She Divine EP

The band start a UK tour later this month to promote the record:

THU 26 SEP @ Craft Taproom – Liverpool

FRI 27 SEP @ The Fulford Arms – York

SAT 28 SEP @ Rivfest – Warrington

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