It’s forever stamped on our souls

By Dylan Robinson

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Back in 2013, when one of the finest producers 19.thou$and was still with us, he and his fellow Canadians Luke Luscious, Danny Lover and Micon constructed No Yesterday, the sequel to ‘The Tomorrow People Volume 1’. The cuts are jazzy and the bars tight; as we have grown to expect from one of the most casual, confident and, of course, Canadian record labels out there. What was it like in that studio all those years ago?

Danny: “There was nothing that could ever compare to Vial Life 2013-2016. We were all in our early twenties, feeling elevated and invincible, making music that was bigger than us.”

I hadn’t expected such a pithy response from my favourite member of Vial Life. Still, he clearly had his rose-tinted spectacles on and wanted to divulge.  

Danny: “We are all from small towns east and west of Toronto. Micon had an apartment on the 27th floor on Yonge St. right in the heat of the city in Toronto. It was difficult to get everyone in the same place, so when we were able to, we would just all go meet at Mikes for like two weeks. It was Mike, Luke, Danny, 19 and another artist who will remain unnamed that were creating with Luke in his early days of GTFO. If you haven’t heard Sympathy for a Bad Bitch you are missing something.” 

I have struggled to find this anywhere on the internet, maybe it has been lost in the abyss of time. 

After that, The Tomorrow People, and what was to become Vial Life, started to take shape. 

Danny: “That was the first-ever track I heard Luke on, and I knew from that moment he was the guy. I knew nothing. I still know nothing. Micon and I met in college, and we would just skip class and freestyle mainly. 19 is an old friend from my childhood who was always around and was making really crazy progress with his beats around 2012-2013- so it all kinda came together.” 

“A friend introduced me to Luke, and I wanted to put together this rap collective because mainly I had nothing else to do and because I felt like I had to push these guys to make art because I would listen to their stuff and lose my mind, so I just needed more. I wanted their music. That was the driving force. Those couple of studio sessions are immortalized. I’m talking two-three weeks of just creating music trial and error, stepping out of a comfort zone into the unknown. It’s forever stamped on our souls.”

“We did ‘The Tomorrow People Volume 1’ with the song ‘The One’, this is actually the song that Lee Scott heard and wanted us to do something with Blah. And Volume 2 aka No Yesterday was lost for a while. We all got involved with life, and I started focusing more on the Danny and Luke projects and the solo Danny joints. Losing 19, obviously, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The rest is, as they say, history. You never know what’s coming for you. This was one of those things we didn’t know. Rip 19.”  

I wanted to let Danny’s words do the talking, after all, he is the one with the insight. His whole discography brilliantly balances braggadocio and misery, which I feel like people can relate to one way or another. No Yesterday is out exclusively on Bandcamp along with the rest of Vial Life’s volumes, so go get your fix. 

Stay in touch with Danny Lover:





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