I bet the devil understands all I’ve done

By Dylan Robinson

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Wisconsin’s Sunny Daze has dropped his latest single ‘Hell Of A Dance’ where he shares the mic Fienyx, a heavy influence of his.

Hailing from a feel-good electronic background, Sunny Daze’s self-confessed ‘microwave beat’ lays a surprisingly melancholic path for the duo who walks us through the individual hardships and systematic failings of growing up in the land of the free. 

Both share a passion for hip hop and its potential positive impact on the most vulnerable in society. Fienyx, a clinically trained master of social work, has been running for years both Hip Hop Therapy and a therapy studio for Second Chance at Transfer High School in the South Bronx, which is both the poorest congressional district in the country and the birthplace of Hip Hop culture.

Whereas Sunny Daze draws on personal experiences for his lyrics in a kind of bildungsroman approach, Fienyx picks up on larger societal concerns realised through his hip-hop therapy sessions and recent events regarding police brutality and racial inequality. 

Stay in touch with Sunny Daze:




Stay in touch with Fienyx:


