Huma reproduces God rays

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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Huma’s fascination for what is yet to come is going full immersion. His latest show designed with Eyesberg Studio is a holistic experience, where the audience is immersed in something called volumetric light also known as God rays. How does it work?

Eyesberg Studio: Volumetric light is when a beam of light hits particles suspended in the air and becomes visible. We wanted to reproduce this phenomenon with the maximum possible control. When we fill the space with smoke, and all the light beams converge at one point the magic happens, we begin to see new geometric shapes composed by the sum of all these light beams.

For the purpose of the Huma show, we clearly saw that it was time to use this technique. We wanted to convey a futuristic atmosphere evocative of holograms, like those seen in Blade Runner, where we are totally immersed by light composed of pixels floating around us.

Did this technique change Huma’s visual and narrative approach?

Huma: Going from the album tracks to the live performance is a long process. The narrative must be very different since the environment is also very different. For ‘Eva’ it has been a natural process, as the songs have been with me for some time, it has also been a trial and error process. Each live performance, I try to improve the show making small or significant changes.

Check out Eyesberg Studio


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