It doesn’t take much to see & hear the pure effects of an artist in their music. I’d like to encapsulate that art form beyond smoke and mirrors and give you the pure innocence of an art form and give you the awe & reality of where we are now in both art, fashion & culture. The song you are about to hear tony MONTANA! by noir not only prepares you to what you will witness but also excites the listener to encapsulate the mood that a rockstar can embrace with a tone so deliberate on and off the mic. I do hope you enjoy & bless the Holy Spirit for a wonderful journey! My name is Noir also known as VLXLYIIE. I am from from Chattanooga, TN and have been in music since a young man in choir. My first single would probably best describe my environment & the path the music industry has been able to shed its illustrious light in my community. Prolifically titled “wanderlust!” It is the the hit single that has not only propel other artists to bring new sounds but shaken the table that rocks the foundation of ecstatic celebrations, stages, & crowds alike !! For the unity of a joyous chant, enjoy.