An angelic ascension into the UK Hip hop scene

By Dylan Robinson

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The pedestal of a celestial being would be itself insurmountable for some, but for others, Texan rapper and producer Gear included, prophesying your latest work as a seraph seems not only correct but entirely apt.

Potent Funk are providing the platform for Gear to spread his wings and take off from. This marks three years since his first appearance on the label, a few months from his last, and ten years of work, which has culminated in his first full-length project, Seraph, a beat portfolio laced with nuanced narratives and bass-y delivery.

“It’s called Seraph, but listen like it’s not gospel. Just take what you need.” – Gear

Completely self-produced and written with no features across all twelve tracks, this pensive reflection wipes away the smears of the past but sure as not to forget the lessons learned and scars collected.

Touching on Gear’s previous bases, you can see how he and the UK’s hybrid-rap-heralding Potent Funk have found so much common ground; a left-field approach influenced by electronic music and southern rap, Gear’s sound is as recognisable as it is unprecedented and fits nicely into the labels unpredictable take on ‘rap music’.

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