A damaged view of our society

By Alfredo Violante Widmer

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Fantazmaz, as many of us, are frustrated with nowadays’ society and the rise of recreational hate on social media. We asked the band’s guitarists Raf to talk about their latest track and how they cope with the world we live in.

Raf: ‘Better In My Head’ takes a damaged and dark view of our society and our frustrations with the modern world. We find shelter in our mind and try to strengthen our inner self. We transform these feelings into punk music and try to reach out to people like us, prepared to talk and listen.

Raf: Despite our incredible technological progress, it’s only in recent years that started thinking about our sustainability and the other living beings we share the planet with. And for what it seems, we are still far away from achieving tangible results. The fight for power has polarised the world, and politicians are a bunch of lying clowns. Our greed makes us sicker every day, and anxiety and depression are on the rise. Like the song says: “We could have done better!”

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Cover photo by Bea Rodrigues